Friday, May 15, 2015

Five For Friday: May 15th

I am cheating a little here because I took this picture a week ago.  I asked my students what they thought would happen when we put popcorn kernels (inside a baggie with a wet paper towel) in the sun.  Once one of my kids said that we were going to make popcorn, we all thought we were making popcorn.  It was quite the surprise when the kernel sprouted.

We had the coolest opportunity this year for our zoo field trip.  We have a volunteer, who is a zookeeper, and she took us on a private tour of the zoo.  It was awesome!  We fed the giraffes, fed exotic birds, and were able to "go behind the scenes" to see where the warthogs and African porcupines sleep at night.  Our zoo has Koalas on loan and they were coming in that night on Southwest.  Seriously, Koalas travel on airplanes with people.  How cool is that?

We had a fun picnic lunch after we toured the zoo and found a caterpillar.  They thought he or she had escaped from the butterfly garden next to our picnic spot.  The kids were fascinated by the caterpillar.  We found a stick, scooped him up, and put him in a tree to be safe so he could make his chrysalis.

It's been a busy week in our little classroom.  We let our babies go.  It was a windy day so we had to coax our butterflies to fly free.    

Our calendar books for this month.  This has been tough, but with repeated practice I think we are getting the hang of it!

This week I finished reading The Energy Bus.  The book focuses on how being positive and sharing your positive energy can bring out the best in your life, your team (at work), your classroom, etc.  Ok, well it doesn't say the classroom specifically, but the possibilities for the classroom are endless.  I am excited to try out some of my ideas (I'll keep you posted on how it goes)!  It is a quick read and totally worth it.

Happy Friday!