Hi! I'm Jen and I am a teacher in a K-1 classroom at a small school in Indiana. I am a teacher, a wife, and a mother to our 22 month old son (a.k.a. The Conductor... he loves trains). Together we have four fur babies...two dogs and two cats. Our house is very busy :) I love sitting with friends and chatting over coffee, especially about teaching. I am excited to talk with you too!
I had to laugh as I prepared for Dr. Seuss week. Last Thursday, I had a cough that just wouldn't go away. All I wanted to do was come home after school, get in my pjs, and hang out. But, one of my parents comes over on Thursdays to watch The Conductor and we (my husband and I) go to the gym. You know your a teacher when you end up at the gym because it is around the corner from the library. And well, if you have a babysitter, and you need some books, you might as well go to the gym while your at it!
Happy Dr. Seuss Week!