After that, we read our shared reading book on our interactive whiteboard. This is fun because we can highlight the sight words we know. I usually read the book during the first reading and then my students help me during the second reading. It is a little hard to see, but I turned the Smart Notebook pen into a highlighter and we found words we knew.

We cut and pasted a sequencing page.

Then, we made a card for our loved ones. I joined the fun by making a card for my parents :)

After all of the fun, we wanted to teach others about what we knew. We are in the process of using the sequencing pictures and interactive writing to make a poster so we can hang it up and teach others. We will finish that up tomorrow!

I just love kid writing! It's the best!
You can find these activities in my Sequence and Write: How to Make a Valentine's Day Card unit on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Happy Teaching!